Thursday, May 14, 2009


Tom Cholmondeley has been sentenced to 8 months in jail for killing Robert Njoya in 2006. In addition to this grotesque travesty of justice, Justice Apondi tells the court that part of the reason why the sentence was so light is because Mr. Cholmondeley is a "first time offender." Well, a first time offender who has killed twice.

All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.

49 years ago, a Mzungu named Peter Poole was sentenced to death by a white court for killing an African boy who had thrown a rock at the Mzungu's dog when it came charging at him.

What is a bit curious reading this
Time article is that a good number of African leaders, including our hero Tom Mboya, were opposed to the punishment of Mr. Poole. They were essentially pressuring the white court not to hang one of their own, at the behest of the slain boy receiving justice!


Meanwhile, Philip Ochieng apparently wasn't thrilled that I commented on his column with a slight challenge. He tersely wrote back:

"My job is to advise on English. But if you want to continue in your folly, I cannot force you out of it." 

My response: 

My folly? My response was full of praise for your column, Mr. Ochieng. I regard you as an informative and honest intellectual.

I refuse to believe that you are not open minded enough to entertain a challenge as benign as the one contained in my response to your previous column.

What will become of us if our intellectuals haul rocks at students in response to questions?

Mr. Ochieng, nothing in my correspondence warranted this kind of a response; I'm afraid.

Wishing you well,


1 comment:

brutha said...

That's Kenyan version of justice for you.

Good job drawing a parallel on the 1960 case and comparing how Europeans meted out justice compared to Kenyans. Good research work, Cicero.